Port Fish Day 2003
Cowboy Mouth

Click HERE for their Smash Hit Single "Jenny Says"

"Cowboy Mouth is a rock and roll orgasm that dares to celebrate the fact that we are all alive!" according to crazed drummer and lead singer Fred LeBlanc. "In these crazy and uncertain times, we all need to remember the joy and the passion of every single moment, and to take everything that we can from those moments," says LeBlanc. And that is exactly what Cowboy Mouth does every time they hit the stage.

LeBlanc started the band in the early �90s after his own major label record deal fell through. Realizing he had temporarily come out broke and burned on the losing end of the record business, he decided to form something that he said would be �more than a band�something that would be an unique rock and roll experience!�

Recruiting guitarist Paul Sanchez in their mutual hometown of New Orleans after his own dealings with the music biz lead him down a similar path as LeBlanc�s, the two were soon joined by lead guitarist and keyboard wiz John Thomas Griffith. Having been the lead singer and guitarist for 80�s political pop/punk band Red Rockers, Griffith knew the music biz fairly well himself and added a musical flourish that was just right for the band�s sound as well as its spirit. Rounding out the team has been a succession of bass players including New Orleans� punk icon Steve Walters and more recently Rob Savoy, who also navigated the major label waters as a member of the Louisiana Cajun rockers the Bluerunners. As of April 2003, Mary LaSang joined the band and has been rocking across the country.

Taking their name from a Sam Shepherd play, the band has released two albums on MCA, one on Atlantic and several on their own Cowboy Mouth Records label. Cowboy Mouth has so far enjoyed domestic sales of over 450,000 units, according to Soundscan. But the album figures are insignificant compared to the number of tickets the band sells to their live events. In 2001, the band played in front of over 1,000,000 people with a touring schedule of about 150 shows. Their live shows have become legendary, best captured by Cake magazine "...on a bad night they�ll tear the roof off the joint and on a good night, they�ll save your soul."

In early January of 2003, LeBlanc and company recruited the management team of Jeff Hanson Management and Promotions / Bombtrax Management (Creed, Sevendust) to lead the charge in capitalizing on the band�s history and success, ultimately taking the Cowboy Mouth experience to the next level.

The band onstage, led by LeBlanc�s larger than life presence on his front and center drum riser, is extraordinarily intense, with vocal and style changes between members that keep audiences glued, usually leaving them as drenched and spent as the band. "To me, Cowboy Mouth is all about an experience for everyone in the room when we play. It's meant to be an emotional, physical, spiritual and sexual release from the chains of life. Hopefully, through that release, the audience and we can find joy in not only what we have, but also in what we can all become...if we dare to dream. Maybe that's a lot to want for a rock n� roll band, but hell, life is too short to not live it," explains the drummer/singer.

Proudly wearing their Mardi Gras colors �on their sleeve,� the band is currently in a third year of a marketing sponsorship with New Orleans� own Southern Comfort. The company provides the band with a custom designed tour bus and support to continue to take their New Orleans style revelry to the rest of the country. The band is also releasing a 5 song CD in late January 2003 with the help of another New Orleans stalwart Barq�s root beer, to be followed by a lengthy road and radio campaign. Lead guitarist/keyboardist John Thomas Griffith describes the experience by stating, "Cowboy Mouth has been one hell of a ride. It's nice to have your cake and eat it too. It's opened up opportunities that I never thought possible."

Cowboy Mouth traditionally plays between 150 and 250 shows each year and has enjoyed playing with Better Than Ezra, Barenaked Ladies, Hootie and The Blowfish, Three Doors Down, Beck, Matchbox Twenty, Stone Temple Pilots, Eminem, and Southern Culture on the Skids, to name a few. Their audience stretches from young kids at the festivals to colleges to the clubs and theaters they headline around the country. Guitarist Paul Sanchez has arguably summed up the Cowboy Mouth experience best in mentioning, "Cowboy Mouth is about playing and singing for people around the country and seeing and feeling the response to our music. There is nothing better in the world than seeing people smiling and singing along."

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